In the iconic words of Phoenix Wright, almost Checksmas means it isn't Checksmas! And it isn't quite that time yet - but we're getting close. Like last year, we want to gather to share a bit of Christmas cheer in this community. But - we need your help to ensure it comes together as best as possible. ICYMI, in a prior newsletter, we're going to be celebrating Communion together for the first time ever that night... so this is one *not* to miss!
Save the Date: December 22nd, 2022, 8 pm until we're done (we won't go past midnight)! Communion will happen at 10 pm, but that is the only aspect of the night that will be hard-scheduled.
What can you expect from the night? Well - there will be plenty of fun games to be played. At the very least, we will have a full line-up of goofy antics throughout the night. If last year is any example, maybe another escape-the-room is in order?
Most important (for this newsletter at least), we'll need you to fill out the RSVP by Friday. Please make sure you complete that form! We need to make sure the packages get shipped out as soon as possible to ensure arrival in time for Communion. You should also expect other goodies, depending on your answers to the questions on the RSVP. If we have more than 25 join in the night, we will need to host on Zoom instead of Discord, so that information is crucial to having a successful time together.
You may notice that we are not using Elfster this year. While we may have that again in the future, we couldn't find a best practice with which to use that again this year. I hope that no one is too disappointed, and I will do my best to ensure that the CPC package is exciting for everyone.
Please fill out the RSVP as soon as possible at: